Toby A. Travis, EdD
Head of School, Houghton Academy | Adjunct Professor, International Graduate Program for Educators, State University of New York | Author, TrustED®: The Bridge to School Improvement | Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer.
LEAD COMPETENCIES: Instructional Leadership, Data-Informed Professional Development Resulting in School-Wide Improvement
Location: North America
LEAD COMPETENCIES: Instructional Leadership, Data-Informed Professional Development Resulting in School-Wide Improvement
Location: North America
Dr. Travis works alongside educators around the globe, assisting schools in over twenty countries of the world to date. Toby's passion is guiding schools through data-informed school-wide improvement that results in high levels of trust. Research has shown that when trust levels are high, benefits to schools include:
- higher student achievement levels - increased retention of faculty, staff, and students - greater community support and volunteerism - increased financial stability Toby is the author of the award-winning book, “TrustED: The Bridge to School Improvement," available on Amazon, which has been featured in Forbes, CEOWorld Magazine, Authority Magazine, The Knowledge Review, eSchoolNews, and more. Additionally, Dr. Travis is the creator and developer of the “TrustED School Leader 360” assessment available through SchoolRIGHT, LLC; a data-driven approach to school improvement through the development of school leaders. He assists a select number of school leaders each year with: